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How to Make a Minimal Reproduction

What is a reproducible test case?

A reproducible test case is a small Gatsby site built to demonstrate a problem - often this problem is caused by a bug in Gatsby or a Gatsby plugin. Your reproducible test case should contain the bare minimum features needed to clearly demonstrate the bug.

Why should you create a reproducible test case?

A reproducible test case lets you isolate the cause of a problem, which is the first step towards fixing it!

The most important part of any bug report is to describe the exact steps needed to reproduce the bug.

A reproducible test case is a great way to share a specific environment that causes a bug. Your reproducible test case is the best way to help people that want to help you.

Steps to create a reproducible test case

  • Create a new Gatsby site with a starter, the official gatsby-starter-minimal starter is a great ‘barebones’ starting point here: gatsby new bug-repro
  • Add any Gatsby plugins that relate to the issue. For example, if you’re having problems with Gatsby MDX you should install and configure gatsby-plugin-mdx. Only add plugins that are needed to demonstrate the problem.
  • Add the code needed to recreate the error you’ve seen.
  • Publish the code (your GitHub account is a good place to do this) and then link to it when creating an issue.

Online Development Environments

Instead of cloning gatsby-starter-minimal to your local computer and working on it there, you can also use Online IDEs that set up the environment for you. Available options:

Benefits of reproducible test cases

  • Smaller surface area: By removing everything but the error, you don’t have to dig to find the bug.
  • No need to publish secret code: You might not be able to publish your main site (for many reasons). Remaking a small part of it as a reproducible test case allows you to publicly demonstrate a problem without exposing any secret code.
  • Proof of the bug: Sometimes a bug is caused by some combination of settings on your machine. A reproducible test case allows contributors to pull down your build and test it on their machines as well. This helps verify and narrow down the cause of a problem.
  • Get help with fixing your bug: If someone else can reproduce your problem, they often have a good chance of fixing the problem. It’s almost impossible to fix a bug without first being able to reproduce it.
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