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Cheat Sheet

The Gatsby team has created a resource that you might find useful when building a Gatsby site: a cheat sheet with all the top commands and development tips! Feel free to download and print yourself a copy (and tape it by your workstation!). For related online information, visit Quick Start and Commands (Gatsby CLI).

Get the PDF: gatsby-cheat-sheet.pdf

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Gatsby Cheat Sheet contents

v1.0 for Gatsby 2.xLatest version

Top Docs

Gatsby Docs

Gatsby on GitHub

Gatsby Tutorial

Quick Start
(for intermediate and advanced developers)

Gatsby Starters

Adding Images

Gatsby Node APIs

Querying with GraphQL

Deploying and Hosting

Using Gatsby Link

Static Query

How to Contribute

Gatsby CLI Commands

First, install the global executable:
npm install -g gatsby-cli

Run gatsby --help for a list of commands and options.

gatsby new my-site-name

Create a new local Gatsby site using the default starter (see “Quick Start Commands” in this cheat sheet on how to use other starters).

gatsby develop

Start the Gatsby development server.

-H, --host

Set host. Defaults to localhost

-p, --port

Set port. Defaults to env.PORT or 8000

-o, --open

Open the site in your (default) browser for you

-S, --https


gatsby build

Compile your application and make it ready for deployment.


Build site with link paths prefixed
(set pathPrefix in your config)


Build site without uglifying JS bundles
(for debugging)


Tracer configuration file (OpenTracing compatible). See

gatsby serve

Serve the production build for testing.

-H, --host

Set host. Defaults to localhost

-p, --port

Set port. Defaults to 9000

-o, --open

Open the site in your (default) browser for you


Serve site with link paths prefixed (if built with pathPrefix in your gatsby-config.js)

gatsby info

Get helpful environment information which will be required when reporting a bug at

-C, --clipboard

Automagically copy environment information to clipboard

gatsby clean

Wipe out Gatsby’s .cache and public directories.

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Quick Start Commands

Create a new Gatsby site using the “Blog” starter:
gatsby new my-blog-starter

Navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up:
cd my-blog-starter/
gatsby develop

Your site is now running at http://localhost:8000!

You’ll also see a second link: http://localhost:8000/___graphql. This is a tool you can use to experiment with querying your data. Learn more about it at

For more Gatsby starters, visit

Helpful File Definitions

Each of these files should live at the root of your Gatsby project folder. See

gatsby-config.js — configure options for a Gatsby site, with metadata for project title, description, plugins, etc.

gatsby-node.js — implement Gatsby’s Node.js APIs to customize and extend default settings affecting the build process

gatsby-browser.js — customize and extend default settings affecting the browser, using Gatsby’s browser APIs

gatsby-ssr.js — use Gatsby’s server-side rendering APIs to customize default settings affecting server-side rendering

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