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Challenge 4: Shopify Store (#100DaysOfGatsby)

Hashim Warren
March 5th, 2021

Welcome to the fourth phase of #100DaysOfGatsby, Gatsby’s guided coding challenge for 2021!

In the BRIEFING story below, you are “Dev”, the newest hire of the fictional headphone sharing startup, AudioC0RE!  You have just completed the third task, launching a blog section of the website, powered by WordPress. 

Ready for your next assignment?  You have three weeks to fulfill the requirements given to you in Briefing 4. Along the way, the Gatsby team and community will assist you in the following ways:

HELP – March 12th. Visit Gatsby’s GitHub Discussion forum to share your in-progress work, ask questions, and share resources.

SOLUTION – March 25th. Join our coding livestream on YouTube to learn Gatsby best practices and discover ways you could have completed the challenge!

BRIEFING 4 – March 25th. Just like in a real startup, one sprint ends and another begins! Check out Challenge 5 on the Gatsby blog to learn about your next assignment.

Briefing 4: Add Shopify ecommerce

Good work on integrating the WordPress into the website during the last sprint, Dev! 

The Marketing team is happy, and they’re off creating content without having to bother us! That team has been doing such a good job growing our brand that our customers are asking us for swag. What this means for you: for this new sprint, I want you to launch a swag store with Shopify!

Dev, here are more details on your requirements:

Learn more about #100DaysOfGatsby and subscribe to the email list for alerts on new challenges!

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Full Stack Marketer, writing copy and code -

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